Compare different search results

8 july 2023

Take a look at the highlighted business in the image below. It was in 80th position of a Google maps search for a plumber in Cardiff (on 8 July 2023).

3 businesses from Google maps search

That's despite having an excellent rating, albeit from only 3 customers.

In other words, there were many businesses before this one in results. This means less people were likely to make contact with it.

The first business below made a substantial improvement from 80th spot:

3 business from page 1 Google maps search

It appeared in 18th position in a local Google Maps search (plumber in Cardiff). That meant it wasn't among the first 10 or so general Google search results, but did manage to get onto the first page of Google maps results.

It likely would've gotten more enquiries than the business in 80th position.

Finally, the business highlighted in the next image was ranked 3rd in local search results. As a result it appeared in Google's first few results:

Google search results, page 1

The goal of Higher Rank is to get businesses we work with into a similar position.